Welcome to our School's Virtual Backpack!
The Virtual Backpack is designed to provide our families with easy access to school information, flyers and happenings, while being eco-friendly.
We are now posting approved information on this "Virtual Backpack" web page. It is estimated that this saves nearly 2,000 hours per year in labor, as well as conserves natural resources and we hope to continue to move in this eco-friendly manner more and more each year, eventually elimiting the use of paper flyers.
During the school year, regular notices are sent to families through classroom and campus folders, via email/School Reach and/or posted on our social media outlets. The Virtual Backpack will offer an additional and streamlined approach to finding information for the school. Please be sure to bookmark the Virtual Backpack for easy access to information.
The Virtual Backpack will be updated by end of day each Wednesday. Those wishing to submit information to be posted must do so by emailing a flyers or information in PDF form, in care of Tammy Kleckner, Principal- by 3:00pm each Monday.
To better serve our school, parishes and local communities we have made edits to our Virtual Backpack to make it more user-friendly for all. We apologize for the delay of uploading information while we were in the process of making these edits. Thank you for patience, we appreciate you!
To view La Stompa Issues published bi-weekly CLICK HERE
7/23 - School Supply Lists
7/23 - Important Calendar Dates 19-20
7/23 - Back to School Letter
7/23 - Makerspace Flyer
7/23 - FunD Run Save the Date
7/23 - 8th Grade Garage Sale
7/23 - Frassati Fall 5K Save the Date
7/23 - Hot Lunch Ordering Instruction
7/23 - Hot Lunch Pricing
7/25 - Uniform Program
7/25 - Family Mass Save the Date
7/26 - Ice Cream Social
7/31 - Athletic Camps Registration
7/31 - Box Top Flyers
8/5 - SCRIP Gift Card Program
8/8 - Spirit Wear Flyer
8/12 - Curriculum Night Flyer
8/21 - Room Parent Meeting
8/23 - Band Flyer
8/26 - Market Day Welcome Letter
8/26 - Market Day September Flyer
8/26 - September Calendar
8/26 - Culver's Night Flyer
8/30 - Parents Mixer Flyer
8/30 - Parent ALICE Training
8/30 - Junior High Friendly Night
8/30 - FunD Run Welcome Letter
8/30 - FunD Run Pledge Sheet
8/30 - FunD Run Important Dates
9/3 - FunD Run Event Timeline
9/3 - After School Art Flyer
9/6 - Pack the Gym Night
9/6 - FunD Run Water Donation
9/6 - Frassati Fall 5K Sponsors Needed
9/6 - Market Day Specials
9/9 - Middle School Fall Bible Study
9/9 - Kids Fun Run - 9/28
9/9 - 8th Grade Shrine Permission Slip
9/10 - Yearbook Flyer
9/10 - Asbestos Letter
9/10 - Children's Mass - October
9/17 - Market Day - BTS Specials Extended
9/17 - Mission Possible: Box Top Collection
9/17 - FunD Run Prizes
9/17 - Santa Maria Craft Fair Application
9/18 - Santa Maria Craft Fair Flyer​
9/30 - Trunk or Treat 2019
9/30 - Uncle D's Fundraiser
9/30 - Boo Bash/ToT on Main St. Volunteers
9/30 - Candy Donations 2019
9/30 - Middle School Halloween Dance
9/30 - October Calendar
9/30 - Fun Lunch Oct-Jan
9/30 - Christmas Cash Raffle Flyer
10/2 - PADS Volunteer Sign Up
10/2 - Candy Buy Back Program
10/2 - October Respect Life Change Collection
10/4 - Christmas Cash Raffle Letter
10/4 - Christmas Cash Raffle Calendar
10/8 - Market Day - October Specials
10/9 - Junior High Math Club
10/18 - Home Language Survey
10/18 - Halloween Raffle
10/28 - Red Ribbon Week
10/28 - November Calendar
10/28 - Family Rosary Message
10/28 - Fellowship Mass at Transfiguration
10/28 - Math Family Fun Night
10/28 - Junior High Friendly Night
10/28 - 7th Grade Outsiders Permission Slip
10/28 - Book Fair - School Hours
10/28 - Book Fair - Public Hours
10/28 - Veteran Collection
11/11 - Pastries with Parents
11/11 - Holiday SCRIP Orders
11/12 - Christmas Cash Raffle Reminder
11/18 - Teacher/Staff SCRIP Gifts
11/18 - Out of Uniform Stocking Stuffers
11/18 - Parents Night Out
11/18 - 2019 Frassati Ornament Order Form
11/18 - December Calendar
12/16 - Frassati Dance Program
12/16 - Early Registration Raffle
1/6 - Art Club Feb-May
1/6 - Tax Credit Registration Night
1/6 - Tax Credit Registration Night - Spanish
1/6 - Mc Donald's McTeacher Night
1/6 - Second Semester News/Updates
1/6 - 8th Grade Class Trip Packet
1/10 - Dominos Fundraiser (7th/8th)
1/10 - January Calendar
1/16 - Crazy Hat Day Fundraiser
1/16 - FMSC Permission Slip 6th-8th
1/16 - FMSC Permission Slip 3rd-5th
1/28 - Daddy Daughter Dance
1/28 - Catholic Schools Week Schedule
1/28 - 8th Grade Tshirt Order Form
1/28 - 3rd Grade Recorder Order Form
1/29 - Sticky Fingers Cooking Spring Flyer
2/3 - February Calendar
2/3 - Catholic Schools Week Photos
2/3 - February-March Jr High Fun Lunch
2/10 - Mission Party Flyer
2/10 - Mission Party Volunteers
2/10 - 2020-21 Calendar Dates
2/18 - KOC Fish Fry
2/18 - Middle School Dance February
2/18 - 5Essentials Parent Letter
2/18 - 5Essentials Parent Consent
2/20 - K-5th Spring Concert
2/24 - Operation Rice Bowl
2/24 - 8th Grade Solo Fest Snack Stand
3/2 - Junior High Friendly Night - March
3/2 - March Calendar
3/5 - True Tutor
3/9 - Culver's Night April 2020
3/9 - Special Message from Archdiocese
4/6 - Spirit Week April 2020
4/20 - Archdiocese Update 4/17
5/4 - Culver's Fundraiser 5/26
7/23 - St. Mary Country Fest
7/23 - Transfiguration Mass on the Grass
7/23 - Taste of Santa Maria/Flea Market
9/17 - St. Mary's Ladies Tea
9/17 - Santa Maria Craft Fair
9/18 - KOC Fall Mum Sale
9/20 - Santa Maria Pumpkin Sale
9/20 - St. Mary - Why Do Catholics Do That?
9/30 - Santa Maria Fil-Am History Mass
10/2 - St. Mary Pumpkin Sale
10/2 - Transfiguration Rosary Rally
10/29 - KOC Wreath Sale Order Form
12/16 - Cookies with Santa
1/16 - ACCW Scholarship Flyer
1/28 - Project '20 - Palatine
1/28 - Summer for Gifted - Summer 2020
1/28 - Summer of Wonders - Lincolnshire
2/3 - Transfiguration Queen of Hearts Raffle
2/5 - St. Mary The Empowerment Project
8/27 - Girl Scout Parent Meeting
8/27 - YMCA Camp Duncan Kids Day Out
8/30 - Boy Scout 195 Sign Up Meeting
8/30 - Cub Pack 295 Sign Up Meeting
9/6 - Mundelein HS Dance Clinic
9/20 - MHS HallowSTEAM Event
9/20 - True Tutor
10/2 - MHS Transition Program
11/1 - YMCA Camp Duncan Kids Day Out
1/6 - Wauconda Baseball and Softball
1/6 - Wauconda Area Youth Soccer
1/10 - WHS Freshmen Preview Night
1/16 - MHS Parent Night Information
2/13 - MHS Parent University
3/11 - Wauconda Bulldogs Football/Cheer
4/29 - LASC Tryouts 2020