Frassati Catholic Academy students are expected to wear the designated uniform every day. They are expected to dress neatly and be clean in appearance at all times. Preschool students are to wear appropriate play clothes and shoes; no uniform is required.
Parents/guardians are responsible for assuring their child is dressed according to the uniform code. The administration's judgment is final in all questions regarding the school uniform.
If a child is out of uniform, he/she will be issued a conduct demerit that must be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher who issued the demerit. All clothing should be labeled with the child’s name. School uniforms can be purchased through Dennis Uniform at their retail location at 7055 W. Higgins Ave., Chicago, or online at https://www.dennisuniform.com. Our school code is GFCGV.
Our FREE Campus Uniform Closest is available for any family seeking slightly used uniform pieces at no cost to them throughout the year.
Uniform Requirements:
No uniforms required
K-5th Grade
Pants: Navy or khaki dress pants. No cargo pants or sweatpants.
Shorts: Navy or khaki dress shorts or walking shorts can be worn from August- October 31st, and April 1st through the end of the school year. Shorts must be fingertip length
Tops: White or maroon plain or Frassati logoed polo shirts, short or long sleeve provided by Dennis Uniform.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts/Fleece: Frassati logoed crew-neck sweatshirts or pull over fleeces provided by Dennis Uniform. Solid color (no printing or logos) maroon or navy sweaters are also acceptable.
Dennis Uniform Jumpers (dresses) Kindergarten-2nd grade girls. Jumpers must be fingertip length.
Dennis Uniform Plaid Skirts/skorts: Kindergarten- 5th grade girls. Khaki skirts are not part of the elementary uniform. Skirts and skorts must be fingertip length.
Socks: White, navy blue or black socks or white or navy blue tights must be worn on all days.
PE Uniform: Students wear their PE uniform to school for the entire day on their assigned PE days. All PE uniform clothing must contain the Frassati logo (t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants) and can be purchased from Dennis Uniform. This consists of the grey uniform t-shirt and black mesh shorts, or black sweatpants. Students may also where the approved Frassati logoed maroon crewneck sweatshirts provided by Dennis Uniform on cold PE days.
Spirit wear items sold through Athletics are not school uniform items but can be worn on out of uniform days.
6th - 8th Grade
Pants: Khaki dress pants. No cargo pants or sweatpants.
Shorts: Khaki dress shorts or walking shorts can be worn from August - October 31st, and April 1st through the end of the school year. Shorts must be fingertip length. This is generally 2 inches above the knee.
Tops: White or maroon plain or Frassati logoed polo shirts, short or long sleeve provided by Dennis Uniform.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts/Fleece: Middle school students can wear the Frassati logoed hooded sweatshirt, crew-neck sweatshirts or pull over fleeces provided by Dennis Uniform. Solid color (no printing or logos) maroon or navy sweaters are also acceptable.
Skirts: Dennis Uniform Khaki skirts. Skirts must be fingertip length. This is generally 2 inches above the knee. On days that skirts/skorts are worn students are not permitted to wear leggings or pants underneath their skirt. They can wear them to travel to and from school and for recess, but not during the school day.
Socks: White, navy blue or black socks or white or navy blue tights must be worn on all days.
PE: Students wear their PE uniform to school for the entire day on their assigned PE days. All PE uniform clothing must contain the Frassati logo (t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants) and can be purchased from Dennis Uniform. This consists of the grey uniform t-shirt and black mesh shorts, or black sweatpants. Students may also where the approved Frassati logoed maroon hooded or crewneck sweatshirts provided by Dennis Uniform on cold PE days.
Spirit wear items sold through Athletics are not school uniform items but can be worn on out of uniform days.
Children should wear closed-toe shoes. Shoes should not light up or contain wheels. Boots of any kind (including fashion boots) cannot be worn in school.
Uniform shorts may be worn from August through October and April through June.
"Out of Uniform Day" Dress Code Guidelines
School SPIRIT wear is available for purchase throughout the school year at https://1stplace.sale/29755. Spirit wear is not part of our school uniform but may be worn on select out-of-uniform days.