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Welcome Back Eagles!


Frassati Catholic Academy is excited to welcome students back for the 2020-21 School Year! We offer the options of 5 full days of in-person instruction for our Kindergarten-8th Grade Students, 5 In-Person Preschool Options, and long-term E-Learning  for our students. Our reopening team is working diligently to ensure we are prepared to welcome students back in a safe environment where we can address their social-emotional and academic needs. As updates and guidelines are finalized and released, we will update this page with the most up to date information regarding our Reopening Plan for the 2020-21 School Year.  Thank you for your continued dedication and support of Frassati Catholic Academy.  We are excited to be bringing our school community back together this fall and appreciate the support from our families.  If there are questions, concerns, or topics that you feel need to be addressed in upcoming communications please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office staff so we may assist you. 


FCA Reopening Guidelines & Documents

Archdiocese of Chicago Communications

School Specific Updates & Announcements *Updated 9/14/2020*

The Frassati Catholic Academy Reopening Handbook includes important information regarding our school reopening for the 2020-21 School Year. For additional updates and clarification of items in the handbook, please review the information below regarding the 2020-21 School  Year.


EDP Sign Ups


All students who wish to use our Extended Care Program (EDP) for before and after school care need to sign up online using our EDP Sign Up for the dates they need service. Please sign up using the links below. NOTE: Links will be provided 2 weeks prior to the start of the sign up period and will remain open for the entire service period.



Health and Policy Updates


As more is learned about the virus, new guidelines are issued by the CDC, IDPH, and other entities. Frassati Catholic Academy, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Chicago, is partnering with these agencies to ensure our Reopening Guidelines and Policies are in line with the most up to date information and health and safety guidelines. Please note that the Archdiocese may choose to hold stricter guidelines than the state and the county. This is to continue to keep our school communities safe and to adjust to the changing needs and environments of our schools. Please see below for addition Health and Safety Updates:


  • Masks with valves will not be permitted.

  • Students who leave during the school day for an appointment, lunch, etc, may not return to school that day.

  • Try to limit the use of carpools.  The Archdiocese is looking at policies around carpool as the cases they are tracking are students bringing in the virus from other places, not school transmission.  Currently, if a student stays home or goes home with symptoms, their sibling(s) and other family members who may be at school have to go home as well.  The Archdiocese is looking at how to address this policy as it relates to students who are carpooling.

  • If a student goes home with a fever or two or more COVID-19 symptoms, their siblings need to go home as well. Their siblings can return the next day if they are symptom-free.

  • Any individual (student or staff member) who stays home with 2 or more symptoms or leaves school with 2 or more symptoms has to stay home for the duration of the quarantine (10 days). Getting a negative COVID test does NOT supersede that clause. The individual must have a doctor's note indicating a specific alternate diagnosis if the individual wants to return prior to a complete 10-day isolation. Additionally, the individual may not return until symptoms recede per provider’s instructions. If the individual chooses not to get an alternate diagnosis confirmed in writing then the individual must meet the criteria for returning as if it is a COVID-19 positive case (see below), and the individual has to remain home for the length of the 10-day quarantine. 

  • Individuals must meet four criteria to return to school if they test positive for COVID-19:

    • Fever free for 24 hours without medication

    • 75% reduction in symptoms

    • 10 days since the onset of symptoms

    • A signed doctor's note to return to school

  • A signed doctor's note will be required for ALL other illnesses lasting more than 3 days.

  • Quarantine Periods

    • 10-day quarantine is for individuals who are exhibiting symptoms.  The 10 days is from the onset of symptoms.

    • 14-day quarantine is for individuals who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • CDC will continue to update this list as they learn more about COVID-19 but for the most current information about possible COVID-19 symptoms please visit Please note the following does not include all possible COVID-19 but common symptoms may include:

    • Fever or chills

    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Fatigue

    • Muscle or body aches

    • Headache

    • New loss of taste or smell

    • Sore throat

    • Congestion or runny nose

    • Nausea or vomiting

    • Diarrhea

  • Travel:

    • The Archdiocese is continuing to use the "hot spot" states list that is updated weekly.  This list can be found at Please keep an eye on this as it is updated on Tuesdays.  States have moved on and off the list based on their cases per 100,000.  If your family is traveling, we do ask that you share that information with the school so we can plan for your return to the building or for remote learning during a quarantine.

    • Additionally, if you are traveling to a state not on the "hot spot" list, but you are flying we would also ask that you quarantine upon return from your trip.

    • The updated quarantine period for travel as of 01-14-21 is as follows:

      • US travel will now be reduced to a 10 day quarantine upon return

      • International travel remains at 14 days

  • Flu Season​​​ 2020



Arrival Map


Please review the attached arrival map to determine which door your student will be entering in the morning. All families should enter from Church Street by the playground to ensure one-way traffic around the building. If you are dropping off students in multiple grade levels, we ask that you follow this same one-way path around the school for drop off.


Arrival Map


Arrival Process


Please see the short video attached for an overview of what our arrival process will look like in the morning, including our daily MATH check in process:


Arrival Video


School Supplies:


If you ordered school supplies with 1st Day school supply, they will be delivered to school and will be packaged and put directly in your student’s classroom.  If your kit came with a backpack, water bottle, lunchbox or other extra materials, we will contact you about picking those items up prior to the start of the school year.




For our youngest students who might be learning to tie their shoes, it might be best to consider non tie shoes for the fall.  This will avoid teachers and students touching shoelaces that have been possibly dragging on the floor.


Late Start:


In the past, we have had a late start on Fridays because students who use the District 118 bus come later due to the District 118 professional development time on Friday mornings.  With the recent release of the D118 school plan, they have moved their professional development to other times of the week, so late start has been eliminated.  School will begin at 8:30 each day with arrival and check in taking place between 8:00am and 8:30am.


First Day of School Update


In an effort to help families and students adjust to the first days of school we are making a modification to our opening day schedules.  To help students have time to learn the new check in process, the safety protocols in the building and have time to put away their materials we are modifying the schedule.

Wednesday, August 19th: if your last name starts with A-M you will attend school from 8:30-11:45 (no lunch service.)

Thursday, August 20th: if your last name starts with N-Z you will attend school from 8:30-11:45 (no lunch service)


Friday, August 21st: all students will attend full day.


Bus services will be available all days.


After school care will be available on Wednesday and Thursday until 6pm. If you plan to use after school care on these days, please send a lunch with your student as no lunch service will be provided.




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